CLARIBEL A ORTEGA SCHOLASTIC UK Ref. 9781338745535 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Friendship is the most powerful magic of all.An instant New York Times bestseller from the Pura Belpre Award-winning author of Frizzy! Disney's The Owl House meets Nevermoor in a brilliant and magical adventure from Claribel A. Ortega!Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who par...
    Dimensiones: 196 x 134 x 31 cm Peso: 246 gr
    Disponible en 5-10 días
    13,10 €
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-1-338-74553-5
    • Fecha de edición : 07/03/2023
    • Año de edición : 2023
    • Autores : CLARIBEL A ORTEGA
    • Nº de páginas : 352
    Friendship is the most powerful magic of all.

    An instant New York Times bestseller from the Pura Belpre Award-winning author of Frizzy! Disney's The Owl House meets Nevermoor in a brilliant and magical adventure from Claribel A. Ortega!

    Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who participate in the Black Moon Ceremony are placed into covens and come into their powers as full-fledged witches.

    And twelve-year-old Seven Salazar can't wait to be placed in the most powerful coven with her best friend! But on the night of the ceremony, in front of the entire town, Seven isn't placed in one of the five covens. She's a Spare!

    Spare covens have fewer witches, are less powerful, and are looked down on by everyone.

    Even worse, when Seven and the other two Spares perform the magic circle to seal their coven and cement themselves as sisters, it doesn't work! They're stuck as Witchlings-and will never be able to perform powerful magic.

    Seven invokes her only option: the impossible task. The three Spares will be assigned an impossible task: If they work together and succeed at it, their coven will be sealed and they'll gain their full powers. If they fail...

    Well, the last coven to make the attempt ended up being turned into toads. Forever.

    But maybe friendship can be the most powerful magic of all...

    With action-packed adventure, a coven of quirky witchlings, Claribel A. Ortega's signature humor, and girl-power vibes, you won't be able to put down this middle-grade Latine witch story, perfect for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers or Harry Potter.Friendship is the most powerful magic of all.

    An instant New York Times bestseller from the Pura Belpre Award-winning author of Frizzy! Disney's The Owl House meets Nevermoor in a brilliant and magical adventure from Claribel A. Ortega!

    Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who participate in the Black Moon Ceremony are placed into covens and come into their powers as full-fledged witches.

    And twelve-year-old Seven Salazar can't wait to be placed in the most powerful coven with her best friend! But on the night of the ceremony, in front of the entire town, Seven isn't placed in one of the five covens. She's a Spare!

    Spare covens have fewer witches, are less powerful, and are looked down on by everyone.

    Even worse, when Seven and the other two Spares perform the magic circle to seal their coven and cement themselves as sisters, it doesn't work! They're stuck as Witchlings-and will never be able to perform powerful magic.

    Seven invokes her only option: the impossible task. The three Spares will be assigned an impossible task: If they work together and succeed at it, their coven will be sealed and they'll gain their full powers. If they fail...

    Well, the last coven to make the attempt ended up being turned into toads. Forever.

    But maybe friendship can be the most powerful magic of all...

    With action-packed adventure, a coven of quirky witchlings, Claribel A. Ortega's signature humor, and girl-power vibes, you won't be able to put down this middle-grade Latine witch story, perfect for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers or Harry Potter.Friendship is the most powerful magic of all.

    An instant New York Times bestseller from the Pura Belpre Award-winning author of Frizzy! Disney's The Owl House meets Nevermoor in a brilliant and magical adventure from Claribel A. Ortega!

    Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who participate in the Black Moon Ceremony are placed into covens and come into their powers as full-fledged witches.

    And twelve-year-old Seven Salazar can't wait to be placed in the most powerful coven with her best friend! But on the night of the ceremony, in front of the entire town, Seven isn't placed in one of the five covens. She's a Spare!

    Spare covens have fewer witches, are less powerful, and are looked down on by everyone.

    Even worse, when Seven and the other two Spares perform the magic circle to seal their coven and cement themselves as sisters, it doesn't work! They're stuck as Witchlings-and will never be able to perform powerful magic.

    Seven invokes her only option: the impossible task. The three Spares will be assigned an impossible task: If they work together and succeed at it, their coven will be sealed and they'll gain their full powers. If they fail...

    Well, the last coven to make the attempt ended up being turned into toads. Forever.

    But maybe friendship can be the most powerful magic of all...

    With action-packed adventure, a coven of quirky witchlings, Claribel A. Ortega's signature humor, and girl-power vibes, you won't be able to put down this middle-grade Latine witch story, perfect for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers or Harry Potter.Friendship is the most powerful magic of all.

    An instant New York Times bestseller from the Pura Belpre Award-winning author of Frizzy! Disney's The Owl House meets Nevermoor in a brilliant and magical adventure from Claribel A. Ortega!

    Every year, in the magical town of Ravenskill, Witchlings who participate in the Black Moon Ceremony are placed into covens and come into their powers as full-fledged witches.

    And twelve-year-old Seven Salazar can't wait to be placed in the most powerful coven with her best friend! But on the night of the ceremony, in front of the entire town, Seven isn't placed in one of the five covens. She's a Spare!

    Spare covens have fewer witches, are less powerful, and are looked down on by everyone.

    Even worse, when Seven and the other two Spares perform the magic circle to seal their coven and cement themselves as sisters, it doesn't work! They're stuck as Witchlings-and will never be able to perform powerful magic.

    Seven invokes her only option: the impossible task. The three Spares will be assigned an impossible task: If they work together and succeed at it, their coven will be sealed and they'll gain their full powers. If they fail...

    Well, the last coven to make the attempt ended up being turned into toads. Forever.

    But maybe friendship can be the most powerful magic of all...

    With action-packed adventure, a coven of quirky witchlings, Claribel A. Ortega's signature humor, and girl-power vibes, you won't be able to put down this middle-grade Latine witch story, perfect for fans of Amari and the Night Brothers or Harry Potter.

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