TINA SUTTON , STUART SEMPLE QUARTO PUBLISHING PLC SQU 9780760392577 See other products of the same author
    This premium anniversary edition of The Complete Color Harmony gives you the color explorations, insights, and palettes from the original version in a deluxe new package that includes a pullout poster, gatefold foreword by internationally acclaimed contemporary artist Stuart Semple, and all-new imag...
    Measures: 243 x 184 x 22 cm Weight: 788 gr
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-7603-9257-7
    • Binding : Hardback
    • Publication Date : 18/07/2024
    • Edition year : 2024
    • Number of pages : 216
    This premium anniversary edition of The Complete Color Harmony gives you the color explorations, insights, and palettes from the original version in a deluxe new package that includes a pullout poster, gatefold foreword by internationally acclaimed contemporary artist Stuart Semple, and all-new image references. The Complete Color Harmony was the first book published by the acclaimed design publisher Rockport Publishers, and has gone on to become an essential reference for generations of designers. This special edition of that classic reference celebrates Rockport Publisher’s 40th anniversary.

    Get an introduction to using the color wheel and discover the key aspects of color, such as warm, cool, pale, and bright. Then, delve into moods and color and see how a wide variety of palettes can come across as earthy, powerful, regal, calm, dependable, and more. In this book you’ll discover: Hundreds of organized color palettes that can be used for a variety of art and design projects.

    Why certain colors attract. How colors evoke certain moods. Advice on choosing the best colors to work with.

    A CMYK process color chart and color swatches to make choosing colors and palettes easy. With all the expert information in this convenient portable guide, you’ll feel confident in every color choice.

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