MELISSA LANDERS ENTANGLED PUBLISHING, LLC SQU 9781649374103 See other products of the same author
    DELUXE LIMITED EDITION while supplies last-featuring gorgeous sprayed edges with stenciled artwork, as well as exclusive endpapers and special design features. This breathtaking collectible is only available on a limited first print run, a must-have for any book lover while supplies last in the US a...
    Measures: 229 x 152 x 25 cm Weight: 454 gr
    Coming soon
    40,85 €
  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-64937-410-3
    • Binding : Hardback
    • Publication Date : 19/11/2024
    • Edition year : 2024
    • Author/s : MELISSA LANDERS
    • Number of pages : 512
    DELUXE LIMITED EDITION while supplies last-featuring gorgeous sprayed edges with stenciled artwork, as well as exclusive endpapers and special design features. This breathtaking collectible is only available on a limited first print run, a must-have for any book lover while supplies last in the US and Canada only.

    Beauty and the Beast meets The Sandman in this all-new, scorching-hot NA fantasy from Melissa Landers, in a world where every first born child of the noble houses bears a curse... and only one heretic cult might hold the answers to breaking them.

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