SAMANTHA IRBY FABER AND FABER LTD SQU 9780571374984 See other products of the same author
    This is not an advice book. Samantha Irby doesn't know anything. After fleeing Chicago to quarantine at home in Michigan, Irby finds herself bleaching groceries and wondering if her upper lip hairs are visible on Zoom.Her career reaches new heights: she gets to work with the iconic ladies of Sex and...
    Ancho: 129 cm Largo: 198 cm Weight: 250 gr
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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-0-571-37498-4
    • Binding : Paperback
    • Publication Date : 18/05/2023
    • Edition year : 2023
    • Author/s : SAMANTHA IRBY
    • Number of pages : 336
    This is not an advice book. Samantha Irby doesn't know anything. After fleeing Chicago to quarantine at home in Michigan, Irby finds herself bleaching groceries and wondering if her upper lip hairs are visible on Zoom.

    Her career reaches new heights: she gets to work with the iconic ladies of Sex and the City - her dream! - but behind the new-found glam, Irby is just trying to keep her life together. Our friend in print is back, on point, and ready to take us with her, from adopting Abe (her scrawny, watery-eyed firstborn dog) to her favourite, extremely specific porn searches (including two old nuns).

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