MICHAEL ROSEN WALKER BOOKS LTD SQU 9781529513905 See other products of the same author
    From two of the biggest names in children's publishing, this is an inspiring guide to wordplay for young readers, their parents and teachers. I’m ready for spaghettiWill you getti the spaghetti?Don’t say, “Not yetti spaghetti!”‘cos I’m all setti for spaghetti. Fizzing with rhythm, energy and laughte...
    Measures: 260 x 250 x 8 cm Weight: 330 gr
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    13,10 €

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  • Description

    • ISBN : 978-1-5295-1390-5
    • Publication Date : 06/01/2024
    • Edition year : 2024
    • Author/s : MICHAEL ROSEN
    • Number of pages : 64
    From two of the biggest names in children's publishing, this is an inspiring guide to wordplay for young readers, their parents and teachers. I’m ready for spaghettiWill you getti the spaghetti?Don’t say, “Not yetti spaghetti!”‘cos I’m all setti for spaghetti. Fizzing with rhythm, energy and laughter, the 30 poems in Ready for Spaghetti delight in the details of children's daily routines.

    "Up, up, uppity-up!", the first poem announces, while the artwork shows a child leaping out of bed, ready to begin their morning; "Hush and a hush, soft and low", chants the final poem, as children snuggle under their blankets after their day's adventures. Full of affectionate observations of young children, which are beautifully continued in Polly Dunbar's warm-hearted pictures, Michael Rosen's poems are ideal for reading aloud with toddlers ... and many grown-ups will soon know them by heart!

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