Key Stage 2 Comprehension provides a unique collection of stimulating texts that
appeal strongly to both boys and girls, together with questions that both build
and stretch comprehension skills and widen vocabulary. Comprising four one-per-
child activity books and providing more than 72 texts in total, the series encou
rages children to pay close attention to literal meaning, make inferences and de
ductions, observe how writing is structured and identify literary devices. A sep
arate Teacher's Guide is also available.
Book 4 reflects the broadening inter
ests and word power of young people who will soon move to secondary school, or h
ave now done so. It includes: non-fiction texts covering the discovery in Russia
of a long-extinct mammoth, shells and their origins and the life of explorer Ro
bert Scott, the poignant 'last letter' from Scott to his widow, classic poetry f
rom Rudyard Kipling, Edward Thomas, Edward Lear and William Wordsworth, a short
extract from the play 'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare, riveting fiction from R.L
. Stevenson, Thomas Hardy, Daniel Defoe and Charles Dickens and absorbing autobi
ographies and biographical fiction from Roald Dahl and Alison Prince.