Understanding English is a series of topic-based study books for children in Key
Stage 2, providing rigorous practice of key subject areas. Each topic contains
a concise summary of the information required by the National Curriculum, making
the series ideal for use as preparation for the Key Stage 2 tests. Each book is
a stand-alone resource, so children can either work through them in order or fo
cus on individual aspects of the subject.
Together, the eight books support t
he whole of the Key Stage 2 English curriculum, providing a solid foundation for
success in English. Punctuation meets the National Curriculum requirements for
Key Stage 2 English, and covers the following areas: apostrophes, inverted comma
s, direct speech and dialogue, parenthesis, bullet points, questions and questio
n marks, colons and semicolons. This book explains how to use all the main punct
uation marks, from full stops and capital letters to semicolons and hyphens.
This book also includes regular proofreading exercises to check children's under
standing. Key features of Understanding English include: an 'Explanation' to int
roduce each topic; activities to consolidate and revise knowledge and skills; th
ought-provoking facts to foster a love of learning beyond the National Curriculu
m; 'Now you try' activities to develop children's understanding of English outsi
de the classroom.