THE BRAINY BAND Ref. 4744646010073
    We find a version of the basic HurriCount that includes some modifications that add difficulty. This time players will have to be more attentive and perform somewhat more complex calculations.It is a creative game that, through fun cards with animals, teaches children to count and compare numbers wh...
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 4744646010073
    • Encuadernació : Game
    • Data d'edició : 30/09/2024
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    We find a version of the basic HurriCount that includes some modifications that add difficulty. This time players will have to be more attentive and perform somewhat more complex calculations.

    It is a creative game that, through fun cards with animals, teaches children to count and compare numbers while they play.

    Children will develop and improve their mental calculation, thinking speed and attention span.

    Number of players: 2-5 players.

    How to play:

    There are two decks of cards: one with animals (hedgehogs, frogs, birds and chameleons) and another with task cards (additions, comparisons or numbers, which have three levels of difficulty indicated on each card).

    All the animal cards are distributed among all the players and the task cards are left in the center of the table. One of the task cards is turned over, and after this, each player turns over one of their animal cards. The fastest to count and achieve what the central task card indicates will shout “I got it!” and he will take all the uncovered cards from the table.

    We will have to be very attentive and be careful with the chameleons, as they camouflage themselves perfectly among the other animals and can make us make mistakes when counting.

    The player with the most animal cards will win.

    Approx. 10-15 minutes.

    - 46 animal cards.
    - 34 task cards.

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