THE BRAINY BAND Ref. 4747721400004
    As easy as one-two-three.The first person to count all the hedgehogs and the birds on the cards yells “Got it!” and collects the harvest! This exceptionally creative game set with bright and captivating animal pictures packaged in a small box gives the whole family a great opportunity to have fun wh...
    Pes: 100 gr
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    12,35 €

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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 4747721400004
    • Encuadernació : Game
    • Data d'edició : 30/09/2024
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Nº de pàgines : 0
    As easy as one-two-three.
    The first person to count all the hedgehogs and the birds on the cards yells “Got it!” and collects the harvest! This exceptionally creative game set with bright and captivating animal pictures packaged in a small box gives the whole family a great opportunity to have fun while exploring Basic Math.

    Fun for everyone!
    HurriCount is an effective tool that helps preschoolers to learn how to count and compare numbers while playing an exciting game. By regularly playing the game, schoolchildren get a chance to develop and improve their counting skills. Additional cards with greater difficulty levels help you to adapt the game to the players’ level. If you don’t want your kids to excel you at counting, join the fun! Adults enjoy playing HurriCount just as much as kids do. This game is an excellent activity that brings together the whole family for an evening of smart fun.

    Play and get smarter.
    The game is organized in such a way that the learning process happens somewhere in the background, so it won't be hard to convince your child to sit down and play. Kids don't just master the counting, they learn to determine the number of objects on any card, and this compares favourably in their mind with annoying drills. Soon, addition from 1 to 10 won’t require any mental effort. HurriCount develops your child’s attention and logic, and improves mental processing and response time.

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